Welcome to the webpages of Lodge St. David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No.133, the Mother Lodge of Robert Burns.


The aim of this site is to promote and support the Lodge, its activities, and the aims of Freemasonry in general, and hopefully will be of interest to Masons and Non-Masons alike.


We are very proud of our Lodge Heritage.

Scotland's National Bard, Robert Burns was Initiated into Lodge St. David on the 4th July 1781, Passed and Raised on 1st October the same year, making this for all time his Mother Lodge.


The original Charter from Grand Lodge, and the mallet used in the Lodge at the time of the Initiation of Robert Burns are on display and can still be seen at any of our Regular Meetings.


If, after browsing these webpages, you would like to know more about this Lodge, Freemasonry in General, or have any comments about the site content please contact the Lodge Secretary.


All Brethren are welcome to join us at our regular meetings which take place on the 4th Tuesday, August - May (except December), at 7.30pm. Our syllabus can be viewed below.

St. David lapsed members are particularly encouraged to seriously consider coming back to the Lodge, you will be made most welcome.


We hope that you enjoy your visit to our webpages.


Bro. Stuart J. McCarlie - Master

2024/25 Syllabus (Subject to change - check this page for regular updates)

Our regular meetings take place on the 4th Tuesday, August - May (except December), at 7.30pm, M.T., 63 Loudoun Street, Mauchline, KA5 5BE.

Event                                   Date                         Notes & Comments

Regular Meeting           25 Feb '25              Vote on Motion to amend bye-laws. MMM Degree

Deputation                      07 Mar '25             Lodge St James No.135 to confer FC Degree

Special Meeting            11 Mar '25               MMM Degree by Lodge Burns St Mary No.505

Regular Meeting           25 Mar '25             PGLA Annual Visit. FC Degree

Special Meeting            08 Apr '25              MMM Degree by Lodge St James (Kilw) Tarbolton No.135

Regular Meeting           22 Apr '25              MMM Degree

Deputation                      24 Apr '25              Lodge Darvel No.971 to confer EA Degree (TBC)

Deputation                      29 Apr '25              Lodge Burns Dundonald No.1759 to confer Degree (TBC)

Deputation                      30 Apr '25              Lodge St Andrew No.126 to confer FC Degree

Special Meeting            13 May '25             MMM Degree by Lodge Prestwick No.1060

Regular Meeting           27 May '25            Degree TBD

Summer Recess

Monthly Cash Prize Draw   (Drawn on the fourth Tuesday every month)



This is an initiative by the Lodge to generate much needed regular income, while at the same time giving something back to participants as prize money, (50% of the income from the Draw is shared as prize money). The monthly subscription is only £5, but the benefits in terms of the regular income to the Lodge are huge, and allow us to continue with the ongoing program of improvements to the Lodge premises which have undergone major internal decoration and repairs over recent years and are now looking a lot better. 


We would therefore like to continue to encourage new subscribers to the Lodge Monthly Draw (you don't have to be a member) to permit these ongoing enhancements.

A Standing Order form can be downloaded here which can be used either for online banking or handed to your bank. Email the Lodge Treasurer for further details on how to take part.


The latest Lodge Cash Prize Draw took place on the date shown below in the MT, Loudoun St., Mauchline, the winning numbers were drawn and witnessed by the Lodge Office Bearers present on the evening.


28th Jan 2025 - Prize Draw #180

The Cash Prize Fund for this month was £70.00

                                                                                   1st Prize      No.9      Mr  D. Russell                £35
                                                                                   2nd Prize    No.10    Mrs F. McTaggart       £21
                                                                                   3rd Prize     No.21    Mr A. Shankland          £14



Congratulations to the above winners, and thanks again for your ongoing support !


The next draw will take place on 25th Feb 2025. 



" ...you've got to be in it to win it ! "

The Lodge St David Monthly Cash Prize Draw is a private lottery administered in accordance with the GAMBLING ACT 2005 Small Society Lotteries (Registration of Non-Commercial Societies) Regulations 2007, East Ayrshire Council License No. M14.  Fifty percent of the income is allocated to prizes, the other fifty percent is used to further the aims of the Lodge.  The Lottery is drawn on the fourth Tuesday every month.  Winners will be published on this page every month.  A full list of past winners is available from the Lodge Secretary on request.  The promoter is the Lodge Treasurer.

2024/25 Office-bearers



Immediate Past Master.........................

Depute Master........................................

Substitute Master..................................

Senior Warden.......................................

Junior Warden........................................





Senior Deacon........................................

Junior Deacon........................................

Bible Bearer............................................

Director of Ceremonies.........................

President of Stewards…….....................


Inner Guard............................................


Bro Stuart J. McCarlie

Bro David W. Pattison PM

Bro John R. Fleming PM

Bro Peter B. McClymont PM

Bro  Neil Adair PM

Bro William Niven PM

Bro William J. Lennox PM

Bro Edward R. Vallance PM

Bro  William Niven PM

Bro Peter B. McClymont PM

Bro Reinhardt M. von Hof

Bro Edward R. Vallance PM

Bro John Steele

Bro Andrew Kirkland PM

Bro Robert Black

Bro Scott Giraldas

Bro William J. Lennox PM

A brief history of the Lodge


Around the time of the formation of the Lodge in Tarbolton there were two Masonic authorities in Scotland with the powers to grant charters for Lodges to operate.

Before the formation of The Grand Lodge of Scotland in the year 1736, Lodge Mother Kilwinning was a Grand Lodge in her own right, issuing charters and warrants to Lodges wishing to enjoy the practice of Freemasonry.

Both organisations although having very similar aims had entirely separate and distinct jurisdictions.


On 17th May 1771 Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0, granted a charter to form a Lodge in Tarbolton, namely Tarbolton Kilwinning Lodge.

The Tarbolton Kilwinning Lodge operated successfully in the village for a couple of years, however at that time the authority and influence of Mother Kilwinning versus the power and control of The Grand Lodge of Scotland was in the balance.


For reasons which can only be speculated today, but most likely due to a switch of allegiance, several of the members in Tarbolton applied to The Grand Lodge of Scotland to form another Lodge in Tarbolton and on 5th February 1773 St. David Tarbolton Lodge No.174 was chartered.


The remaining members who were still attached to the original Kilwinning Lodge likewise later applied to The Grand Lodge of Scotland for recognition which resulted in establishing the St. James Tarbolton Kilwinning Lodge No.178 in 1774.


Both Lodges operated individually for a number of years, however at one point there must have been a realisation that the village was too small to sustain the two and so after joint discussions it was agreed to form a union of the two Lodges. This was effected on 25th June 1781, under the name of St. David Tarbolton Lodge No.174 since this Lodge held the oldest charter from The Grand Lodge of Scotland.


Robert Burns in Lochly was Initiated into the St David Tarbolton Lodge on 4th July 1781 and was Passed and Raised on 1st October, 1781. He was the only person ever to do so as the union of the Lodges was short lived.

By June 1782 the members were in disagreement about the union, and a disruption of the joint Lodge took place, so the history of the United Lodge, although brief, was none the less glorious for all times, having the distinction of making Robert Burns a Mason.


The former members of Lodge St. James thereafter re-constituted their Lodge in July 1782, and at the present time this Lodge appears on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland as Lodge St. James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton No.135.


Both Lodges operated separately again for a time, the stronger being Lodge St James, which by now had the support of Robert Burns, who was later appointed Depute Master of that Lodge on 27th July 1784.


In 1816 Lodge St. David Tarbolton No.174 was renumbered by Grand Lodge to No.131, and in 1826 was again renumbered to its current No.133.

 St David ultimately became dormant in 1843, the Minute Books and certain other articles passing into private hands, but fortunately the Charter was recovered by the then Provincial Grand Master and returned to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for safe-keeping.


In 1869 Lodge St David Tarbolton No.133 was resurrected, only now to meet in Mauchline. It had several meeting places in Mauchline, including the North Church Halls, prior to acquiring its own premises in Loudoun St. on 10th October 1959.


In the late 1920's or early 1930's, the wooden chest containing quite a number of historical possessions of the Original Lodge was sadly destroyed by fire, but fortunately the Lodge still has in its possession the original charter which was present when Burns was made a Mason, the Masters' Gavel, the Lodge Standard and the Senior Warden's Chair.


The Lodge St. David Tarbolton Minute book containing the entry documenting the Initiation of Brother Robert Burns was also fortunately recovered from private ownership and is now in the possession of Lodge St. James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton No.135.


The Lodge celebrated its Bi-Centenary on 5th Feb 1973 with a rededication ceremony conducted by Grand Lodge held in the Masonic Temple.

On that occasion Brother Gregor Grant represented the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire and Brother Major Sir Ronald Orr Ewing of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was in attendance.


At the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge held on 6th August 1981, authority was granted for the name of Lodge St David (Tarbolton) No.133 to be altered to Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No.133.


In 2009 a Re-Dedication ceremony conducted by Grand Lodge took place to mark the 50th Anniversary of the consecration of the Masonic Temple in Loudoun St. The then incumbent Provincial Grand Master Brother Archibald Chalmers led the Deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire.


The Lodge reached a major milestone again in 2023 and celebrated its 250th Anniversary in great style, going back to its roots in Tarbolton for that very special occasion.

A Rededication ceremony was carried out in the Erskine Hall, Tarbolton on the 4th February that year by the Grand Lodge of Scotland, led by Brother W. Ramsay McGhee - Grand Master Mason.


In the same year a unique fund-raising event was organised by the Five Masters of the Five Lodges who celebrated their 250th anniversaries between 1771-73, namely Lodge St. James Newton Upon Ayr No. 125, Lodge St. Andrew Kilmarnock No. 126, Lodge Thistle Stewarton No. 127, Lodge St. David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No. 133, and Lodge St James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton No. 135. At a special meeting attended in person by the Grand Master Mason held in Tarbolton, a Fellowcraft Degree was conferred by the Five Masters and their Office-bearers on a Candidate to raise funds for Whiteley’s Retreat south of Alloway.


The present-day members of Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No.133 are committed to carrying on with the duty of preserving the Lodge's glorious history of over 250 years, and to do everything necessary to ensure that the Lodge will be preserved for future posterity.

Original text by Robert J. Lawrence PM edited and updated by W.J.Lennox PM 

Past Masters

Bro. Sir Thomas Wallace

Bro. James Samson

Bro. Joseph Norman

Bro. George Guthrie

Bro. Adam Campbell

Bro. John Muir

Bro. Robert Hay

Bro. James Mitchell

Bro. Thomas Wilson

Bro. John Currie

Bro. Hugh Brown

Bro. Hector Giffen

Bro. J. N. Campaign

Bro. David Norman

Bro. Francis Gebbie

Bro. John Sloan

Bro. Hugh Oliver

Bro. Mathew Faulds

Bro. James Gibson

Bro. Robert Smith

Bro. Alexander Crawford

Bro. James Caldow

Bro. William Alexander

Bro. James Lambie

Bro. John Gilbert

Bro. W. F. Ferguson

Bro. John T. Gibb

Bro. W. C. Pearson

Bro. Robert Pollock

Bro. John Fisher

Bro. John White

Bro. James Roy

Bro. John Lyall

Bro. John Wilson

Bro. John Raeside

Bro. David Gibson

Bro. John Marr

Bro. R. T. W. Stewat

Bro. James Burnett

Bro. R. S. Chambers

Bro. Hugh P. Aitken

















1832 – 43

1877 – 80

1880 – 90

1890 – 95

1895 – 96

1896 – 97

1897 – 98

1898 – 99

1899 – 1909

1909 – 10

1910 – 11

1911 – 12

1912 – 17

1917 – 18

1918 – 21

1921 – 24

1924 – 25

1925 – 28

1928 – 30

1930 – 31

1931 – 32

1932 – 34

1934 – 37

1937 – 38

1938 – 39

Bro. Thomas Learmonth

Bro. Q. Pettigrew

Bro. John Murray

Bro. R. J. Lawrence

Bro. W. Macfarlane

Bro. W. D. Murphy

Bro. J. S. Brown

Bro. J. M. Kerr

Bro. N. S. Miller

Bro. D. M. Wilson

Bro. J. Rowan

Bro. T. D. O. Hall

Bro. R. Watson

Bro. R. Bryson

Bro. J. Lymburner

Bro. A. Wilson

Bro. Thomas May

Bro. William Reid

Bro. A. C. Bryson

Bro. David G. Kyle

Bro. John Connelly

Bro. Adam Pettigrew

Bro. J. W. Pettigrew

Bro. W. S. Christie

Bro. R. W. McGregor

Bro. William Logan

Bro. William S. Young

Bro. W. B. Milligan

Bro. W. F. McEwan

Bro. Robert A. McKie

Bro. P. B. McClymont

Bro. Simpson Alan

Bro. James Wilson

Bro. J. G. B. Graham

Bro. Q. Pettigrew

Bro. M. H. M. Rawson

Bro. R. C. Smith

Bro. R. C. Mitchell

Bro. T. G. Connor

Bro. W. Niven

Bro. J. Pettigrew

1939 – 40

1940 – 42

1942 – 43

1943 – 44

1944 – 45

1945 – 46

1946 – 47

1947 – 48

1948 – 49

1949 – 50

1950 – 51

1951 – 52

1952 – 53

1953 – 54

1954 – 55

1955 – 56

1956 – 57

1957 – 58

1958 – 59

1959 – 60

1960 – 61

1961 – 62

1962 – 63

1963 – 64

1964 – 65

1965 – 66

1966 – 67

1967 – 68

1968 – 69

1969 – 70

1970 – 71

1971 – 72

1972 – 73

1973 – 74

1974 – 75

1975 – 76

1976 – 77

1977 – 78

1978 – 79

1979 – 80

1980 – 81

Bro. H. C. Smith

Bro. W. Holland

Bro. J. Frizzell

Bro. J. Shields

Bro. J. V. Ramsay

Bro. J. Barnes

Bro. J. Kerr

Bro. T. Reid

Bro. J. R. D. Cunningham

Bro. H. Alexander

Bro. J. Campbell

Bro. J. Weir

Bro. N. Adair

Bro. J. Connelly

Bro. E. R. Vallance

Bro. A. Rodger

Bro. J. M. Connelly

Bro. J. Anderson

Bro. J. McPheator

Bro. A. Kirkland

Bro. R. Blane

Bro. A. McFarlane

Bro. J. M. Anderson

Bro. J. Chalmers

Bro. M. Amos

Bro. W. B. Milligan

Bro. J. Anderson

Bro. J. Chalmers

Bro. W. J. Lennox

Bro. J. Walker

Bro. J. R. Fleming

Bro. J. Barnes

Bro. J. R. Fleming

Bro. E. R. Vallance

Bro. R. W. Stewart

Bro J. R. Fleming

Bro D. W. Pattison

Bro S. J. McCarlie

1981 – 82

1982 – 83

1983 – 84

1984 – 85

1985 – 86

1986 – 87

1987 – 88

1988 – 89

1989 – 90

1990 – 91

1991 – 92

1992 – 93

1993 – 94

1994 – 95

1995 – 96

1996 – 97

1997 – 98

1998 – 99

1999 – 00

2000 – 01

2001 – 02

2002 – 03

2003 – 04

2004 – 05

2005 – 06

2006 – 07

2007 – 08

2008 – 09

2009 – 10

2010 – 11

2011 – 13

2013 – 14

2014 - 16

2016 - 18

2018 - 21

2021 - 22

2022 - 24

2024 -